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100 Beautiful Hi-Res iPad Wallpapers


First it was the iPod, iPhone 4 and the iPad, now we have the iPad 2 (iPad – It’s thinner, lighter, and faster than ever) and who knows what will the next “i” be?! However along with every new device, new standard and creative possibilities come to the surface to empower your creativity to personalize these new devices.

We have shared alot of wallpapers for both desktop and iPhone wallpapers. Now, it is the time to share iPad wallpapers. The iPad screen resolution is 1024 px by 768px at 132 pixels per inch (ppi). However, it fits with the old 4:3 desktop screen resolution. There are some new beautiful collections of wallpapers for iPad that meet with different screen directions.  Here, I have categorized each group of ipad wallpapers according to its type such as nature wallpapers, macro wallpapers, Apple wallpapers, abstract and 3D wallpapers. I hope you enjoy these collections and share it with your friends and iPad fans.

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Today we are presenting 100 Beautiful Hi-Res iPad Wallpapers created by some hard-working, dedicated designers.

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