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Content Editing HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor: Mercury


Mercury is a full featured HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor. It was built from the ground up to help your team get the most out of content editing in modern browsers.

Mercury editor similar to the popular ones like TinyMCE or CKEditor but with a different usage experience.

Rather than being positioned inside a given element, it appears over the complete web page and can be used to edit the whole page or any number specified areas.

Core features

  • Previewing
    Preview content while you’re working to see exactly how it’ll look.
  • Link Tools
    Insert and edit links, including TOC/Bookmark links.
  • Media Tools
    Insert and edit images, youtube videos, and vimeo videos.
  • Image Uploading
    Drag images from your desktop to automatically uploaded and insert them.
  • Table Editing
    Advanced table editing and creation.
  • Snippets
    Insert and edit predefined and reusable bits of markup/code using drag and drop.
  • Custom Regions
    We provide Markdown, HTML, and Snippet region types by default.

It supports previewing the edited content and inserting links, images, videos or tables. File uploads can be accomplished with drag ‘n’ drops.

Snippets can be defined and inserted quickly with the help of a sidebar. And, a similar sidebar exists for taking notes.

Also, collaborative editing is supported. Just edit any page that others are working on at the same time and see their changes in real time.

Mercury can be either installed as a Rails gem or by including the necessary JS and CSS files into our web pages.

Requirements: jQuery
Compatibility: Chrome 10+, Safari 5+, Firefox 4+

Download Content Editing HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor

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