Written by 12:23 am Design, Inspiration • 6 Comments

25 Beautiful Skype UI Concepts

The most beautiful, gorgeous, inspirational, Innovative concepts of Skype UI right here. Today we are roundedup 25 beautiful skype UI Concepts and UI design for inspiration. All the UI designs are created by professional graphic designers. This is not the as usual long list with all the available Innovative UI concept on the web, but it’s an fresh collection of handpicked UI designs.

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Beautiful Skype UI Concepts

We can create opportunities that allow us to enhance and improve our work. Take a look at some of these brilliantly designed UI concepts from Dribbble, and let them inspire creativity in your own work today.

1. Skype Widget

Skype UI Concepts-1

2. Mini Skype

Skype UI Concepts-2

3. Skype Mini

Skype UI Concepts-3

4. Skype Call Ui

Skype UI Concepts-4

5. Mini Skype App

Skype UI Concepts-5

6. Skype app Rebound

Skype UI Concepts-6

7. Skype Login

Skype UI Concepts-7

8. Skype Login II

Skype UI Concepts-8

9. Skype Call UI

Skype UI Concepts-9

10. Skype for mac chat

Skype UI Concepts-10

11. Some Skype experiments for iPad

Skype UI Concepts-11

12. Skype Call UI

Skype UI Concepts-12

13. Skype Notification

Skype UI Concepts-13

14. Skype DialPad

Skype UI Concepts-14

15. Mini Skype App

Skype UI Concepts-15

16. Incoming Call

Skype UI Concepts-16

17. Simpel Skype Call UI

Skype UI Concepts-17

18. My Skype Version

Skype UI Concepts-18

19. Skype Concept

Skype UI Concepts-19

20. Skype Reborn + Retina

Skype UI Concepts-20

21. Skype for Mac

Skype UI Concepts-21

22. How should Skype look like!

Skype UI Concepts-22

23. Skype Members

Skype UI Concepts-23

24. Skype Flat Login Screen

Skype UI Concepts-24

25. Min Skype app Rebound

Skype UI Concepts-25
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